Freeways - Entering
1. Select appropriate lane of the on-ramp.
2. Check rear-view mirror(s) and appropriate blind spot.
3. Signal intention, if applicable.
4. Accelerate, if necessary.
5. Check rear-view mirror(s), if applicable.
6. Decelerate, if necessary.
7. Brake, if necessary.
8. Yield in accordance with traffic pattern, road traffic signs, signals, rules and markings.
9. Stop, if necessary.
10. Select gear, if necessary.
11. Observe, if applicable.
12. Move off/proceed, if necessary.
13. Check the necessary blind spots.
14. Merge with traffic and obtain sufficient clear space.
15. Cancel signal.
Note A:
Drive between edge lines of the on-ramp.
Note B:
Do not overtake on a single lane on-ramp.
Note C:
A left and right blind spot check shall be done upon entering a freeway.
Note D:
Additional blind spot checks for a safe gap may be necessary.
Freeways - Exiting
1. Obey all road traffic signs, signals, rules and markings.
2. Check rear-view mirror(s) and appropriate blind spot.
3. Signal intention.
4. Check blind spots to the right and left.
5. Maintain speed where possible and enter off-ramp.
6. Cancel signal.
7. Check rear-view mirror(s).
8. Decelerate, if necessary.
Note A:
Drive between edge lines of the off-ramp.
Note B:
Do not overtake on a single lane off-ramp.
Freeways - Passing On-Ramps And Off-Ramps
1. On approach check rear-view mirror(s).
2. Check appropriate blind spot(s).
1. On approach check rear-view mirror(s).
2. Check appropriate blind spot.
3. Adjust speed and position to facilitate entry of vehicles about to join freeway, if necessary.
Note A:
Should the applicant not check the blind spot when passing an off ramp or on ramp, the error shall be marked for:
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